
Think Higher

ideas that reach up



All Hell

When Constantine legalized christianity, all hell broke loose.

Reality is killing us…

What you are about to read is true.

Last week a group of about ten men gathered at a local restaurant in Cartersville, Ga.  They spent some time talking about all that God was doing as they were all involved in ministries and mentoring other younger men.  They talked of construction ministries they were involved in, and other “God-at-work-through-them” events. Only one prominent Cartersville Church was referred to by name.

After some time the conversation took a turn.  One man began to angrily talk about his wife, referring to her as a “dumb bitch” and his “fucking wife”. Others began to refer to other men by name who were not present with angry epitaphs such as “fuck him” and “fuck that”.  One man talked about how he and another man were considering going to “fuck up” another man that they expressed hate for.  This kind of talk lasted for some time.  Only two of the men seemed uncomfortable and unresponsive.

When the conversation was through, one man leaned forward with his hand close to his mouth and said, “Now none of this leaves this table.”  They laughed.


Thoughts from the Overlook

Last Sunday, five men including myself hiked up to the overlook at Pine Mountain to talk Kingdom.

This particular gathering included all fathers. That was interesting since the conversation revolved around what we are learning (sorry, not from a book) about the Kingdom. A 70 year old spiritual father has spoken with us to say that we need to begin to think about the Kingdom in its essence – Fathers and Sons.  So let me share a bit about our discourse and my own reflections since.

This Father-Son worldview reflects the reality about God’s Kingdom since at its core it is a Father and a Son. And it is important to note that when I say “sons” I am not referring to gender. So please don’t look for me to say daughter every time along with sons. And “Fathers” include mothers. The point is the relationship not the gender. (By the way, it was the wife of the father above who taught us that).

When we take that picture, born in infinite past and realize it is the relationship that Father is reproducing in this world, to the extent that life unfolds physically in this world much the same way – Fathers reproduce sons. And then they father or raise sons who exercise the dominion that they will grow too old to continue.  I find myself using this truth to evaluate and think on all things now.

I also find this to be much of what I have been looking for and could not find in my spiritual journey. I guess that’s why U2 meant so much to me all through the years. But I may get to stop singing that song. In fact, it is interesting to look at what I would develop and teach through the years while knowing something big was missing. Anyone who has listened to my teaching has come away understanding that at the core of my theology stand two pillars – Revelation and Relationship. I often put it this way – God’s purpose for creating was to reveal himself in all his glory and enjoy a relationship with those who accept that revelation. (I can hear Jesus saying, “You are not far from the Kingdom”). There is no part of my world that I do not see through that statement, and while it gave me my bearing, yet something was always missing. Now I think it was the application that was off, the statement was right but generically applied. Fathers and Sons gives me a whole new dimension to see what was absent so that I can spend my remaining years…

… finding a father and

…growing to be a father

…and fathering sons

…who will become fathers

…and learning to gather as Family and Kingdom.

This is what I now understand to be The Father’s intention for Eternal Life. And take those families (remember, including mothers and daughters) and gather them together and you have a Kingdom. That thought was one we explored on the mountain. One of the things that has confused me a bit has been God’s usage of the word “Kingdom” when “Family” seemed to be a better term, and one that he uses. We talked about how the Kingdom’s of old were actually the ingathering of all the families in the region and they were related – they were family. Think about Abraham – Isaac – Jacob – And twelve sons who become Israel, the Kingdom of God. So it is in the Kingdom Jesus spoke of that is “not of this world” – everyone is related by birth. We are The Family and The Kingdom.

The implications of these truths will change everything. Many will read this and not get it since all Bible teachers use the same language, but the application is radically different – reformationally different. And the reformation has begun.  The new wine is already being consumed. As my friends and I drink we are already thinking about the wineskin that can hold this so others can drink.

If I went to church…

I would not even have to think about where I would go. I would go to Expedition Church in Cartersville, Ga. I don’t know the people, but I know the pastor – Tim Samples. I have known him for fifteen years, I remember when he arrived on staff at First Baptist Cartersville. I have watched him evolve to be the man that once I wish i could be. He is the pastor I could not be. He and I meet on ocassion and work on the need of the church today to become what Jesus intended. I believe with all of my heart that he will actually pull it off – The Bridge. We need a church that can bridge the gap between what the church is today (property, programs, and staff) and the missional kingdom that is desperately needed. I was never the man to do it. God has a completely different design for my life.

So if you are looking for the church that is not market-driven, not entertainment driven, and is shepherded by a pastor who really wrestles, struggles, and reaches toward the light of revolution for the church – Expedition is where you need to be. Oh yeah, Tim has no idea I am writing this. So go and tell this man that you are here to serve the Kingdom.


Footballs, Chainsaws and Handstand Pushups to God’s Glory

Last week’s worship was great. My family is working its way through the Bible and we’re currently camped out in 2 Samuel. My wife and I are having fun introducing our kids to one of my favorite Bible characters and I’m once again noticing things I never have before. The boys range in age from seventeen to eight so their questions and comments alternate between hysterical and insightful. The best part about all of this is the ease. All I have to do is wake up on time, read when it’s my turn and ask everyone to share what they liked and didn’t like about the story.

Sunday fellowship was great. We gathered with some friends at Brad’s home (yes the very same Brad that owns this blog) and discussed upcoming ministry and how he plans to live the missional life over the next couple of years and beyond. We also shared testimony about how God had used our tithes to meet needs of people in New York City, here in North Georgia and even among our own fellowship. Since we no longer own a building, we are free to use our tithe money to meet needs as the New Testament church did and it was great to fill each other in on how we individually were meeting needs as well as how our collective tithe meets needs too big for one believer to cover.

We also discussed the importance of taking time to be alone with God and knowing when He’s calling you to head back out into the world. I made plans with one brother individually to collaborate on a summer confidence building exercise for the youth I mentor three days a week through my garage weight room.

Then we watched the Super Bowl where I had the chance to witness fervent prayer in action.

I really needed to get some counsel about how to handle this year’s training for the youth I mentor, so I decided to talk it over with Brad Monday morning while we cut some wood. God had blessed me in that my next door neighbor decided to plant a garden and needed to cut down fourteen trees to do it. I burn wood in an outdoor in ground fire pit and I remembered that Brad heats his home with a wood burning stove so the tree crew and I struck a deal that helped us all out. Basically they tossed a bunch of limbs over the fence into my yard instead of lugging them all the way to the street to toss into their wood chipper. In two hours we filled Brad’s truck, talked about family, spiritual roots of sickness and peace that comes from following your God given passions. Brad gave me some good advice and we shared things to pray about for each other.

Monday afternoon, I had the privilege of watching five kids who I’ve been mentoring for a year now; test themselves physically in a calisthenics competition I decided to call the Annual Beast Skills Competition. Parents showed up and we had thirty-five minutes of fun as I watched them push themselves beyond what they thought they could.

Pray that God continues to guide our fellowship as we strive to develop a meaningful Christian experience devoid of tradition and man-made restriction. And you’re welcome to come by and see us if you’re in Bartow or Paulding County Georgia anytime soon.20130127_115125

Please understand…

Those who think deeply and those who don’t have one thing in common: THEY HATE TO BE MISUNDERSTOOD. From the time as a teenager when we first utter the words – “You just don’t understand me”, to the old gentleman quietly shaking his head, humans struggle with their ability to communicate their reality to those around them.

Well, I am no different; and as one who thinks constantly and hopefully deeply, I wish to be understood. So allow me a moment to attempt to communicate my reality.

I am not angry or contentious. So as you read my work please know that I do not write from vitriol. I am however driven to call people to more than we have become…especially people of The Faith. That thing that drove Peter and Paul and Luther and Lewis drives me. While I will never know their stature, I do seek truth and its expression through the Church of Jesus. Therefore, please read my challenges to higher thinking and living as appeals, not the rants of a disgruntled ex-pastor. I love the Church and Pastors, and that love comes out in a manner that calls them to think and live more closely to the truth. In a sentence, I hate the church as much as Jesus hated the Jews. While he called them to task often, his motivation was love.

I am not “burned out”. I didn’t fizzle in the ministry. “What then?” you ask.

I transformed. My thinking changed. I experienced a paradigm shift. And that shift is what you are experiencing as you read my work and watch my actions. That shift required me to leave the full-time pastoral ministry in its current form. I am not saying that you should do the same.

I am happy and developing in the Potter’s hand. I look different than you do, but we have the same Maker if you are born again.

Now feel free to push back and challenge me. Like the old sayin’, “If you can’t take it, don’t dish it.”
And that other old saying, “Iron sharpens iron.” But please…THINK, THINK, THINK.

Illustrating the confusion…

Every believer has heard countless times and over and over that “the church is not a building, its the people”. Those teachers go on to teach adamantly that the “church” is people, not buildings.

But recently…

I read of a “new church launching in cartersville, Ga.” The “first service” is being promoted and everyone is invited to come experience the “new church”.


A very old church has changed its name and will no longer meet in its sanctuary, but will hold services in its fellowship hall. They changed their name as “part of a revitalization”. And wahlah…”new church”. The people…well they are the same.

This begs the question…Is it the people or the place that makes a church?


Well, not to a lot of people.

Its kind of like Mouthwash companies or other product makers who use the brand, “New” on a product. Most people just smile that “you’re not fooling me” smile.

A good thing…

A really good thing about not being the pastor of a traditional church…

…I no longer have to live in fellowship with people who can not live in fellowship.

my new reality

I have found myself in the strangest of worlds. All I have known as an adult is the world of the “Church”. By “Church” I mean the institution as we know it – buildings, programs, staff. It really goes back far beyond that since my father was a pastor as well…so since I was 8, my world has been the “Church”.

I have been a pastor myself, and for the past 16 years shepherded The Church at Woodland in Cartersville, Ga. And then I began the transition away from being “Church” to being missional community. It has been one full year now since ceasing “Church” and beginning Soma.

The most radical difference that one would notice is that we don’t meet every Sunday in a building, at the same time to “worship”. Instead we meet whenever we meet, wherever we gather, to do whatever we do as worship, and most of the time without singing any songs or hearing a sermon. That’s all weird enough. Here’s a sampling of our gathering places – the beach, a triathlon, dog show, my house, starbucks, a bar, a park, the city square, another Church.

But for me and Jayme, our world has been turned not upside down, that implies the same things done backwards or something. Instead our world has turned into an alternate reality, like something from Star Trek. We are the same people but we are living radically different lives. We are still Christians in this world, but the things that defined us are gone and now we live other worldly Christian lives. It is very strange.

In the old world of “church” we were the leaders. I was the “Senior Pastor”. I was educated for 12 years in four seminaries with two Masters degrees. After planting the Church I sat on the board and most teams, hired and fired, taught while all listened, and cast vision for all to follow. Typically, people invited people to church and if those people wanted to know about salvation, they came to talk to me. I baptized the converts. So to say I had a lot of power, would be an understatement. On balance, I never “controlled” everything and fought against such leadership, but my influence was everywhere.

Now I am no different from any other man so I have found the truth to be true that humans derive their value and identity from what they do, positions, and titles. So “Pastor” and all that that means was my identity.

And all of that is gone.

There are no Boards, Teams, Worship Service, Staff, buildings, programs, waiting crowd, no lights, and no sound system. Fewer and fewer people call me “Pastor Brad” anymore. For many anger and disappointment have taken the place of accolades and respect…nods turned to wags…acceptance replaced by rejection. I don’t have a waiting crowd to plan for each week, and no one tells me how much I have impacted their life. No more lines waiting to “have just a word” or ask for my pastoral prayer.

So who am I?
What’s left?

I hear Paul saying,
But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead. Philippians 3:7-11 ESV

And I hear Jesus…
Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18

I know what Father wants from me now, right now. He wants me to turn my back on all that has defined me and learn how to be a child again. I am not to look to my degrees, experience, influence, titles, or responsibilities to find value or significance. In comparison, Paul uses a particularly negative word for all of that, our most effective translation would be “shit”. And In comparison to what? To “knowing Christ Jesus my Lord”, to which I would add, His Father and their Spirit. Put that way, it makes the profane word make sense.

So I believe Father is calling me to a place of childlikeness where the main thing that matters to me is my daddy. My whole identity will come to be defined in that relationship. All my value will come from this. And someday I will be ready to show people, not how to be “Christians”, but children of God. And I have a few spiritual family members left who will explore being children with me.

I can live in that reality.

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